When you are in the first part of your relationship, your aura will be a purplish color because it means there is more passion. These colors will change when you are in love and when you are having intimacy with someone. Your aura also changes based on how intense your emotions are. A color pink of the aura and red mean that you are in love.īright pink is part of compassion and being sensitive and in love while red is sensual and a passion that you have for someone. Your aura shows your emotions and your feelings and the first things that change is the color of your aura. You see things in a stronger way, and everything feels alive. When you fall in love, everything seems brighter such as the sun, stars, the grass and everything seems happy. When an aura is romantic, it can attract intimacy between people. Some psychics can read auras and interpret what the colors mean. If you are attuned to someone that you know, you might feel that you have known them forever and that you have strong feelings for them in just a minute after meeting them. The auras can be seen with the physical or the Third Eye. The aura holds a record of what happened and is happening in the body and each layer has a different vibrational frequency because of the energy in the body. The aura holds information about the past, present and future and can show the past lives, as well. Each thing that goes on in the body can be seen in the aura. The aura gives information about what a person is feeling physically, spiritually and emotionally. Mental layer-this holds together the mind processing and goes three to eight inches from the body.Emotional layer-this one is the colored layer that keeps the feelings, goes about three inches from the body.Etheric layer-the one closest to the body that tells about the physical body.The aura is a color layer of energy that surrounds the entire bide. The aura can tell many things about what people are feeling and what kind of relationships they have. Most people do not know that emotions, especially the emotion of love, causes their aura to change colors.

Love has been described in many ways such as a color, something that makes the world better, vibrant aura, and other ways.